Lovecraft Project: One Year On, revise and revisit

Last May, I began my first post grad personal illustration project, illustrating the fiction of horror author HP Lovecraft, one story at a time. It started strong out of the gate, allowed me to devour many stories which were new to me, and eventually I hit upon a respectable pace and output. As of today, I have completed something close to 25 (of a total of 68) illustrations. True, I have not shared every single one. Some are better than others, though all of them have been important learning experiences.

With an eye on the one year anniversary of the project, I have decided to revisit and re-do some of the earlier pieces. This is a handy way to compare my growth in the last year. 

The first story (and the first piece I created for the project) is "The Beast in the Cave", my completed original below...

copyright 2016 Jason Filler

copyright 2016 Jason Filler

...and the finished inks for the upcoming revision.


Here is the completed piece for third story "The Tomb", from May 2016...

copyright Jason Filler 2016

copyright Jason Filler 2016

...and the first pencil sketch for what will become the revised version.

As always, feel free to contact me and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading! -JF